Welcome to the Centennial Samantha Celebration. …Or what would be if “centennial” meant “100 weeks” and not “100 years.” It’s hard to believe that I’ve been doing these weekly updates for 100 weeks –more if you include the pregnancy updates. To celebrate, I’ve put together a little retrospective on the 1st 100 weeks of Samantha Alyse Madigan. Go ahead and click on the image below to view it (NOTE: there is sound, so adjust your speakers). Go ahead, I’ll wait here and you can come back when you’re done.
Done? Good! What did you think? She’s changed a bit, no?
We hit another important milestone this week: Sam formed her first sentence, which was “Momma, up!” as in “Mommy, get up!” or possibly “Mommy, I want to get up!” Unfortunately this sentence was uttered at 4:30 in the morning from her crib at the foot of our bed in my parents’ guest bedroom. So we didn’t really do our best to reward her for such a linguistic somersault. In fact, we just lay very, very still and ignored her, hoping that she would go away if she thought we were dead. Fortunately, she did, or at least lay back down in her crib and went back to sleep.
Today is also Christmas, so merry Christmas, too! Sam got to rip open more packages from Nana, Pa-pa, Aunt Shawn, and Uncle Brent. She’s really into opening presents now, to the point where she’ll go after the Christmas decorations in stores, trying to shred them and reveal the fantastic Elmo dolls and Mega Blocks that have so far been found inside every single one.
We’ve been having a pretty good time here in Tulsa, at any rate. Sam is enjoying the extra attention from all the family, and has completely warmed up to everyone to the point where Ger and I have left her with them several times so far. She even started calling my dad “Pa-Pa,” which is apparently easier than saying “Grandpa.” And I’ve been taking a ton of pictures. Witness!
Sam has been enjoying my parents’ large back yard, which has given her ample room to practice her broom-fu, Bruce Lee imitation and all.
These are also the first batch of pictures I’ve taken with my new Cannon Rebel XT EOS Digital SLR camera. I love this thing, by the way. It doesn’t magically make me a better photographer in terms of composing scenes or picking the right settings, but with the zero boot time and ability to take rapid-fire pictures and quickly write them to a 1-gigabyte memory card I’m missing a lot fewer of Sam’s shenanigans and taking multiple shots so I can pick the best one. The thing really does just takes better looking pictures, too. I don’t think I’d get shots like this or like this or like this with my old camera.
And now, by request, here are three pictures of Sam eating something –a banana, Cheerios, and Cream of Wheat, respectively. Enjoy, and here’s to another 100 chapters of Sam’s Story to come.