Week 297: Staycation

When I recently decided to change jobs I thought it would be nice to take a couple of weeks off to be unemployed and have a “staycation” where I sit around the house eating cheese puffs and watching television. I ran out of cheese puffs after the first day, though, and daytime TV is simply terrible so I ended up spending a lot of time with my kids instead.

At first the girls were repeatedly confused about my persisting presence at home, though they did saying “Have a nice day at work!” despite the fact that I was lounging around in a tee shirt and pajama pants at 10:00 in the morning. Perhaps they were trying to drop me some hints. Regardless, we eventually went out and did stuff, like going for a nature walk. I had picked out what I had taken for a hiking trail that I used to drive past every day on my way to work. It looked all nature-like and had always wondered where it went, so I thought it would be something fun to do instead of just depositing the girls in yet another a park playground. So we set off down the trail, which went around exactly one bend before cleverly terminating in yet another park playground.

While there, though, the girls did make some new friends with some kids whose moms had brought them. I guess this is a common activity at 1:00 in the afternoon on a weekday. I was chatting with these moms when I overheard Sam informing one of the other kids that “My dad brought me. He’s unemployed.” This earned me some sympathetic looks from the two moms, one of which commented that “Well, at least you’re getting to spend time with your kids.” Indeed.

Later in the week we all went ot a pumpkin patch, in which pumpkins played a surprisingly minor role. Mostly it was yet another playground, though this one at least had a corn stalk maze. Next week is something special and fun, though.

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