Sans wisdom teeth

Geralyn got her wisdom teeth taken out yesterday, and here they are. On the plus side, they’re much easier to brush now. Geralyn is fine, but for a while there she and Sam were reduced to the same vocabulary and ate the same kind of food.

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4 thoughts on “Sans wisdom teeth

  1. Heh. Ger is still on soft foods so we just had this conversation:
    ME: You want me to fix you something to eat?
    HER: Yeah. Make me a fruit smoothie in the blender.
    ME: Okay. What kind of fruit do you want in it?
    HER: Hmmmm… Make it with ice cream.
    ME: [Brief pause] Then… Then that makes it a milkshake, doesn’t it?
    HER: Yeah… Yeah, make me one of those.

  2. I hope those aren’t Sam’s teeth! (pic label)
    Also: this is disgusting.
    I had my 4 wisdom teeth and 4 others pulled on the same day (making room before braces). I came home, slept for a few hours and then hopped on the PC to play Wolfenstein 3D for the rest of the day.

  3. And now, of course, I see that this is “Sans” and not “Sams”
    The lack of apostrophe should have given it away. CURSES!

  4. Yeah, I thought about the possibility of mistaking “Sans” for “Sam’s” after I put this up, but I decided to leave it as almost a subtle joke. Sam has to HAVE teeth before we could pull them out, though. She still doesn’t have a one in her head.

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